DHS Threat Advisory: Elevated

MySafeFlorida Home
Why Prepare
Basic Preparedness
Emergency Planning and Checklists
Taking Shelter
Practicing and Maintaining a Disaster Plan
Assembling an Emergency Supplies Kit
Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit
Terrorism- Preparing For The Unexpected
What Can Your Community Do?
State of Florida Links
U.S. Government Links
Nonprofit Organization Links

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Tools and Hardware Needs

You and your family should have a plan in place before disaster strikes because you may not all be in the same location.

To develop your plan:

    Decide on places where you would meet, for example a neighbor's home, public place or school.

    Have an out-of-state relative or friend as a family contact so that all family members have a single point of contact. Identify two ways of contact like a phone number and email address.

    Post emergency telephone numbers by your telephones, on the refrigerator, in your wallet or purse, and in children's backpacks. Make sure children know how and when to call 911.

    Listen carefully to authorities to know whether you should remain in your home or evacuate to safety. Be prepared to take your disaster supply kit with you if you evacuate. Plan how you will take care of your pets.

    Review and practice your disaster plan with your family every six months.

    Also, be sure you have at least one vehicle with a full tank of gas at all times.































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